Ingen Distribution

Ingen Distribution

Ingen Distribution is an Official Stocking Distributor for Peplink products in Europe.

Cloud Monitoring & Management

Use the power of InControl2 to centrally manage and monitor all of your Peplink devices. Take advantage of GPS tracking and Fleet management features when using mobile devices, as well as centralised SpeedFusion Configuration and Firmware deployment for all devices.

Cellular Mobile Routers

Bond up to 4 cellular 3G/4G/LTE connections on the go and take advantage of all of Peplink’s key software features, like SpeedFusion VPN bonding, Link Load balancing, and comprehensive WiFi features.

100% Internet

Load balance across up to 13 WAN links of different types from different ISPs to guarantee Internet access for your enterprise.
Enterprise Balance devices are available in all sizes to suit all types of deployments, from virtual Datacentre deployments, to home based devices.

Introducing Peplink

Peplink is the industry leading VPN Bonding and Link Load balancing equipment manufacturer. Their Enterprise and mobile cellular bonding routers provide highly available, secure corporate network access anywhere. Peplink recently floated on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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